Mini Brand + Podcast Essentials

dr dialogue

+ Logo 
+ Typography Selection
+ Color Palette
+ Brand Style Guide
+ Merch, Collateral, Swag & Gifting
+ Podcast Essentials 


When Doug & Quinton approached us, they had a mission to connect passionate investors with purpose-driven ventures. They were eager to create DR Dialogue, a podcast that ignites essential conversations about the health of Black men in American culture; and wanted their identity to reflect a compelling story that would resonate with their audience. It was more than just developing a brand; it was about bringing their commitment to Double-Result investing—where financial returns intersect with significant social impact—to life. Through our work with Coplanar Capital, we didn’t just create a sub-brand; we played a part in building a movement that aims to make the world a better place.

DR Dialogue|
started from the bottom now we're here


The Challenges

When DR Dialogue approached us, they had a powerful mission but lacked the foundational branding elements to bring it to life. With limited funds allocated, the challenge was clear: how to create a compelling, professional brand identity on a tight budget. We tackled this with our mini brand package that delivered maximum impact with a streamlined approach. Our team crafted a logo, color palette, imagery, and font suite that encapsulated the essence of DR Dialogue’s mission. We also introduced “Table Top Truths,” an interactive game designed to spark conversation and education, seamlessly tying into their purpose. Despite the constraints, we built a brand that didn’t just meet their needs but exceeded their expectations, setting the stage for DR Dialogue to make a meaningful impact.

Logo Variations

crushin' it career hack WORDS WORDS WORDS 

in my fillings

rinse water

double mint gum

enamel blue

bracket steel

hygienic blue


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