The malone company

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The Malone Company came to us with a mission: modernize their marketing while preserving the high-touch methods that have always worked for them. As a long-established company, they were using dated approaches like direct mail but wanted to blend those with new digital engagement strategies. The goal was to stay true to their roots while leveraging technology to better connect with potential clients.

The Malone COmpany |
STand by your man


The Challenges

Their biggest challenge was an outdated website that wasn’t ready for a revamp just yet. While they’re excited to invest in a redesign down the line, we needed to create branding that resonated now, without the support of a modern site. It was all about delivering impactful branding that could stand alone, ensuring they continued to connect meaningfully with clients as they prepared for their next digital leap.

Logo Variations

knowing when is half the journey

THE vibe they were lookin' 4

crushin' it career hack WORDS WORDS WORDS 

in my fillings

rinse water

double mint gum

enamel blue

bracket steel

hygienic blue


I’ve been truly impressed with how OMNIA captures the heart of my brand. Folks remember me because the marketing they create feels like it’s come straight from who I am and what The Malone Company has always stood for. They’ve found that sweet spot between fresh, innovative ideas and that good ol' days feel that’s so important to me. They keep things up-to-date, but never lose sight of the values that have carried me through all these years. Honestly, their work feels like it’s something that could’ve come straight from the horses mouth.  Sometimes I forget that I didn't write what they have put together.

"People always remember me for the marketing OMNIA creates—it’s so spot-on that it feels like I’m the one who crafted it. It’s fresh and new, yet still captures that good ol' days vibe, staying true to the core values that matter most."  

Authentic, community-driven, charismatic, influential, trustworthy, strategic, relatable, genuine warmth, savvy, respected, memorable.

Mood & Vibes

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Jim Malone is more than just the owner of The Malone Company—he’s a cornerstone of his community. As President of the state chapter of NABIP, he’s deeply invested in making a difference and always looking for ways to improve the industry and the lives of those around him. With an incredible sales mind, Jim knows how to make a lasting impression, combining his deep understanding of people with a knack for being memorable. His passion for building genuine relationships is at the heart of everything he does, and it’s what makes working with Jim such a unique and rewarding experience. When you partner with The Malone Company, you’re not just getting top-notch service—you’re building a relationship with someone who truly cares about your success.  His branding had to represent this and mirror the approach.

Jim Malone the CLIENT

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