+ Full Brand
+ Primary + Secondary Logo Design
+ Branded Pattern or texture
+ Typography Selection
+ Color Palette
+ Content Package


GA Benefits came to us wanting paid ads, but there was a catch—they hadn’t refreshed their brand in 30 years. It was essentially like working with a startup. We had to dive deep and lay a new foundation because their brand was outdated.  Additionally they picked their logo out of a line-up and had no idea what it represented.

Think of it like this: Would you wear the same outfit you did 30 years ago? Probably not, unless it was a well-crafted piece. Picking a line-up logo is like buying a Target t-shirt and expecting it to stand the test of time. We had to ensure their brand was up to date before we could effectively run ads. Now, with a refreshed brand, their ads are not only effective but their entire online presence is thriving.

Will you tell me about that logo?

The challenge


Worn Leather

Pine Needle

Alabaster Bone

Sprig Water

Burnt Embers

Corduroy Blue


"Honestly, I loved the colors OMNIA chose for our brand so much that I had them design our entire office and match the colors for the paint. That’s huge for us because we usually default to white walls—They crushed it.   And second to the colors, the freakin' video work was incredible—even my family, who’ve known their whole lives that I do life insurance, came to us wanting policies. That video made them want it. It was great!"

"Honestly, i loved the colors so much i had them design our entire office..."

Grounded, Distinctive, Warm, Confident, Polished, Authentic, Traditional, Trustworthy, "Southern Gentleman" Vibes, "One of the Good Ones" feels.

Mood & Vibes

+ Full Brand & Website Package
+ Merch and Signage
+ Office Design

Package Options

Eric and Ashton didn’t realize exactly what they needed when they first approached us. They knew video was important, social media was effective, and they wanted to make a strong impression before even meeting potential clients. Our suggestion? Brand first, then paid ads. This strategy allows for exponential awareness in the marketplace which converts to insanely effective connections... the result REVENUE my friends..

Eric & Ashton the CLIENTS

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